** Davis "wet the bed" for the first time last Saturday. It was so strange because when I picked him up, his back was wet and the sheet but the front was completely dry.?!??!?! Not sure, but this happened when he was just born too. Wet in the back ~ still baffles me. Anyway, I was truly shocked for the bed wetting so soon. Needless to say, we officially moved out of the size 1-2 diapers into the size 2!!! Much better :)
** Davis had his first little cold. He had a clear runny nose, a few sneezes and a few coughs. Luckily it wasn't anything too bad and it didn't seem to bother him. His daddy, caught his cold and didn't handle it as well as Davis did!! Ha!!!
** Davis doesn't like to keep socks on his feet. I try to put them on but they only stay on for about 5 -10 minutes. I'm trying to get him used to them since it's going to start getting cold and he'll be going to "school" (daycare) soon. He actually wore a precious pair of socks the other day for almost the whole day!!!!! I was so excited. But, when I washed his clothes guess what happened????? The Washing Machine ate one of the socks. I don't get it but it happens. I"m still searching but as of now Davis had his first case of the washing machine sock monster!
The Sock Monster stole this precious sock and few others too!!!I have quite a collection still waiting for a mate! Believe it or not, sometimes I do find a long lost match. I'm hoping that happens with Davis' cute sock too!
Davis wiggling his socks off!
hilarious about the socks! baker kicks his off as well...i usually find them in his school bag rather than on his feet when i pick up :) can't wait for our cuties to be together every day!!